• training Featured


    ACPL is the educational division of BBCM offering; Bachelors, Masters and Advanced Research degrees in the field of Missiology and Leadership Development. ACPL delivers a range of field-based education.ACPL delivers a range of field-based education.

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  • eduquench Featured


    The EduQuench initiative essentially caters to children's education up to high school. Most children in this part of the world are uneducated because of their parents inability to support their education. This results in social inequalities and also greatly contributes to child labor.

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  • proquest Featured


    Pro Quest, as the name indicates is BBCM’s strategy to bring about gifted professionals in the fields of engineering, medicine, business administration, finance & accounting, etc. to present opportunities to people below poverty line on the one hand and on the other hand to reinforce its quest for self sustenance.

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  • springbuds-orphanage Featured

    Springbuds Orphanage

    Our Springbud homes are for children and students that have been neglected and abandoned in many cases. In others, parents simply can’t take care of their child at the time. The Springbuds home is able to step in and take them in for a season while the parents get back

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